What is happening to Premier memberships?

TLDR; Premier memberships will sunset on October 1, 2018. All accounts will still exist after that time. All elections will become freely available. If you have recently purchased a membership without knowing this information, and have changed your mind, please reach out for a refund.


My name is Dan Bryan, and I am the founder and creator of this website. Early in 2016, I created a Premier membership to finance the website, defray the hosting and database costs, to build a foundation for potential expansion, and to help students and history enthusiasts learn about American history in a fun, engaging manner.

Unfortunately, as time has passed, it has become clear that I will be unable to dedicate sufficient effort and resources to the maintenance of this site, and I can no longer warrant charging you for a Premier membership past the start of 2019. I will have a sunset period, to be fair to those who have already purchased the Premier status. If you have purchased this status and feel you would like a refund, in light of this new information, please do not hesitate to reach out.

To answer one more frequently asked question. It is unlikely that I will be able to add new election scenarios within the next couple of years, let alone any other type of educational game or adaptive study content. I will continue to keep American History USA up and running, and I will make all elections available for free, starting in October 2018. However, I cannot promise that older game results will remain fully archived and available, or that potential bugs and downtime can be addressed in a timely fashion.

I greatly appreciate the support from all of you over the years. American History USA was a full-time passion and job of mine for close to a year. None of that would have been possible without your help. However, as life has moved on, I have reluctantly decided that I must as well.

Since the middle of 2016 I have taken on a demanding, full-time role in database management and business reporting, gotten married, begun taking actuarial exams, and found very little time leftover aside from those things. I have received too many unanswered inquiries about future elections, bugs with the site, and general questions, to continue with the present state indefinitely.

Thank you once again for your support of American History USA and your understanding of the situation.


Dan Bryan (March 20, 2018)