Campaign Trail Results: 1976

This page contains results for all recent 1976 games that have been played on The Campaign Trail. You can also narrow these results down to games played by a specific candidate and difficulty level. Or, click on a different year to see average results for that election.

View overall results, or a specific state:
CandidateWin %EV Avg.PV Avg.PV % Avg.EV RangePV Range
---- Jimmy Carter74.80318.640,838,536.050.090 - 5382,452,345 - 51,814,818
---- Gerald Ford25.00219.438,996,955.047.830 - 53827,642,760 - 79,591,570
---- Other Candidates0.000.0910,361.01.120 - 075,579 - 1,159,293
---- Eugene McCarthy0.000.0788,430.00.970 - 00 - 5,656,704

Use the selections below to limit the results to games played as a specific candidate. Click "submit" for these changes to take effect.

    Player Candidate(s):
  • All
  • Jimmy Carter
  • Gerald Ford
    Difficulty Level(s):
  • Easy
  • Normal
  • Hard
  • Impossible

Note that results include default/winner-take-all games only.